Hot Bath Detox Protocol

Health & Nutrition, How Tos, Recipes

Balance Hormones & PH Support

The Hot bath detox is designed to purge unwanted environmental toxins that store in our organs and tissues. The most common forms of toxins are pesticides, radiation, heavy metal, smog, nanotech, synthetic medicines, chemotherapy and much more…

If you are new to the hot bath detox protocol, please start slowing and listen to your body. It is common to feel flustered, car sick, or dizzy after completing the 30-minute bath. It is important to know that these “side effects” are normal as your natural human response to detoxing, the same way your body temperature will rise if you get a “cold or flu”.

These “side effects” usually last for 20 minutes after exiting the bath. People that are low in magnesium will feel the most side effects. If your detox symptoms are too strong after your first bath, we recommend supplementing with magnesium for one week then try another bath. It is very important to be hydrated before doing a hot bath detox. The best way to hydrate is to consume cold press juice or eat fruits such as watermelon or cucumbers with high water content.

Instructions: Add one cup of each ingredient into a hot bath. You want the water as hot as you can take it for a total soak time of 30 minutes. The goal is to raise your internal core temperature while scrubbing the ingredients into your skin with a light brush to “active” the skin. Once the bath is completed it is important to immediately take a shower and wash off all excess salts. If you skip the shower your skin will re-absorb the toxins your just pulled out.

Warnings: We do not recommend this protocol for people that are pregnant, heart problems or high blood pressure.

Ingredients needed:

BORAX- PH 9.3 –

  • Borax is a natural occurring mineral found all over the world.
  • Borax contains boron which is necessary for proper hormone function and calcium-magnesium balance.
  • Borax is great for raising alkaline which combats acidity, disease, inflammation and arthritis.
  • Antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-candida, anti- parasitic
  • Helps with auto-Immune disorders, insomnia, ringworm, rough skin, lupus, bones, joints


  • Balance acids and bases in the body.
  • Helps with urinary tract infection, yeast infections, skin and nail fungus, dry itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Baking soda is a great way to boost your immune system, clean and hydrate your skin and reduce body odor.


  • Bentonite Clay is a volcanic ash which is great for binding and removing toxins.
  • You can consume bentonite clay internally or apply it externally.
  • Helps the body absorb minerals like magnesium, sodium and potassium.
  • Contains trace minerals such as calcium, iron, copper and zinc


  • Salt compound made of magnesium, sulfur and oxygen
  • More than 3255 biochemical reactions that benefit your heart and nervous system
  • Best way to absorb magnesium
  • Helps with sleep, constipation, stress, pain, swelling, fibromyalgia, arthritis,
  • Eliminate toxins, relieve muscle cramps, eye health, and hangovers.
  • Helps regulate insulin which is great for diabetes

Add the heavy metal and radiation foot detox to assist your body in the detox process.