Pine Pollen Ginseng Tincture
High elevation sperm “master hormone support”
Balance estrogenic and androgenic hormones with more than 200 bio- available substances including proteins, 20+ amino acids, 18 live enzymes, DHEA booster, glutathione, carbohydrates, lipids and fatty acids, phenolic compounds, enzymes, and coenzymes as well as 14 vitamins.
Did you know that one individual tiny grain of pine pollen has all the nutrients to create a whole new pine tree. When you really think about how powerful that is, you will see the true power of pine pollen, and why some call it the “powerhouse” of nutrition.
Pine Pollen is often referred to as the master “superfood” as it is the top source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Pine pollen is the sperm of the tree that creates life all around us. When you consume pine pollen orally every cell in your body will come alive and will rebuild your body from a cellular level with all the best nutrients of life.
Most people in the US have adrenal fatigue due to the high levels of toxins in the air, water, and food supply. Pine pollen is one of the best natural compounds to detox and boost your adrenal glands, which are responsible for regulating your metabolism, hormones, immune support, blood pressure, and other essential functions.
2 oz. bottle, $37.50
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key ingredients
Pine pollen, American Ginseng, Alcohol, Distilled Water
Alcohol less than 80%.
health benefits
• Master Hormone Balancer (Male and Female)
• Anti-Aging & Anti- Tumor
• Anti-Heavy Metal
• Nitric Oxide & DHEA Booster
• Prostate And Breast Health
• Anti-Fungal & Anti-Microbial
• Improve Kidney & Adrenal Gland Function
• Heart & Blood Pressure Control
• Flavonoids that protect against cell damage
• Reduce Anxiety and Depression
• 20 Amino Acids, 18 live enzymes, 24 minerals, 14 vitamins
how to enjoy
Directions: Place 10 drops under tongue once or twice per day and hold for ten seconds then swallow.
Please consult a your health care professional if you have any medical questions regarding this product. This product has benefits but is not claiming to cure or treat any illness.