The Health Benefits of Tinctures: A Dive Into Herbal Wellness Tradition

Health & Nutrition, Herbs & Roots

Read on to learn more about how tinctures can be part of your health and wellness regimen.

If you’re paying attention to the trends in health and wellness, you’ve probably already noticed the rising popularity of tinctures as a way to supplement your diet with powerful herbs. What you may not know is that tinctures are far from a new trend: in fact, they’re as old as distilled alcohol (which, it turns out, is pretty old). 

There’s evidence that ancient Egyptians documented tincture recipes as early as 1025, using alcohol to extract the active ingredients from medicinal herbs. This method for preparing herbal remedies such as cordials, tinctures, and elixirs became common in the 1500s across Europe, but fell out of popular medicine as modern pharmacology made its way into the Western world. 

Today, however, many health-conscious people are turning back to the traditional wisdom of Mother Earth, and finding that tinctures are a highly effective way to gain the benefits of herbs. Read on to learn more about how tinctures can be part of your health and wellness regimen. 

What Are Tinctures?

Tinctures are herbal supplements created through soaking herbs in alcohol. At Vitalize Juice Company, we have a specific and detailed process for extracting all of the dynamic beneficial active ingredients from herbs to make our tinctures, starting with the highest quality organic herbs. We soak our herbs in alcohol for 8-12 weeks to open up the cells of the herb and release all of its medicinal power. 

After the herbs have completed their alcohol soak phase, we slowly cook the alcohol off with very low temperature processing. Now we have the raw healing nature of each herb and are ready to build our tinctures. We add organic coconut glycerin for its health benefits, as well as to improve the flavor and texture of the tincture. 

Health Benefits of Tinctures

After the processing that takes place to make a tincture, herbs are at their most potent. They’ve been stripped down to their essential ingredients, and they’re open and ready to boost your health. While herbs in any form are incredible natural healers–from teas to powders to capsules–tinctures are the most efficient way to get herbs into your system. At Vitalize Juice Company, we use muscle testing to determine the quality of our products, and tinctures regularly test at 100% strength. 

The health benefits of tinctures start with supercharging the benefits of whatever herb the tincture is made with. Instead of taking 2-4 capsules of an herb a day, for instance, an herbal tincture allows you to absorb the same amount of the active ingredients with 4-8 drops under your tongue, and faster, too. This is also helpful for individuals who cannot or prefer not to swallow pills, such as the elderly and younger children. 

How to Take a Tincture

There are several ways you can take a tincture. 

  1. Drop and hold it under your tongue: Follow the dosage instructions on your tincture packaging, and drop the tincture under your tongue. Hold for 5-10 seconds, and then swallow. This method provides the best absorption. 
  2. Add to juice or water: You can add a tincture to a small amount of juice or water. This is particularly helpful for young kids and the elderly, or anyone who may not be able to take the tincture by the under-the-tongue method. 
  3. Put it in a capsule: You can also put your tincture into a capsule and take it immediately. This process adds an extra step, but may be useful for those who don’t like the taste of the tincture.

Spotlight: Vitalize Juice Company Tinctures

We are proud of the process we’ve developed for maximizing the health benefits and power of our tinctures. We’ve been working hard over the years to add more tinctures to our product lineup, and are adding more all of the time, including several slated for release in the fall of 2024. 

Pine Pollen Ginseng Tincture

Balance estrogenic and androgenic hormones with more than 200 bio-available substances including proteins, 20+ amino acids, 18 live enzymes, DHEA booster, glutathione, carbohydrates, lipids and fatty acids, phenolic compounds, enzymes, and coenzymes as well as 14 vitamins.

Pine Pollen is often referred to as the master “superfood” as it is the top source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids. Pine pollen is the sperm of the tree that creates life all around us. When you consume pine pollen orally every cell in your body will come alive and will rebuild your body from a cellular level with all the best nutrients of life.

Our Pine Pollen Ginseng tincture combines the effects of pine pollen with the massive potential of ginseng, a natural energy booster, inflammation reducer, and cortisol level regulator. Recent research has also suggested ginseng has anti-cancer properties, as well. 

Shop Pine Pollen Ginseng Tincture

Dandelion and Nettle Root Tincture

Your liver is your filter, and how better to give it a boost than investing in its own detoxification and cleaning. Our Dandelion and Nettle Root tincture is one of the best gifts you can give your liver, especially paired with our liver balance capsules. Dandelion root will strengthen your immune system, lower blood pressure, increase liver and kidney functions, promote digestive functions, and stimulate bile flow.

Dandelion root is known for anti-cancer effects by drastically increasing the PH (power of hydrogen) in your body. This promotes the liver to produce an enzyme called Catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into usable water and oxygen and protects cells from oxidative stress. Dandelion root is full of vitamin C, K, E, beta-carotenes, folate, potassium and magnesium which lowers cancer risk, supports healthy skin, and helps balance and maintain hormonal health.

Shop Dandelion and Nettle Root Tincture

Chlorella & Spirulina Tincture

Chlorella is full of fiber and antioxidants, and binds and detoxes heavy metals while supporting your immune system. With Omega-3, Niacin, and carotenoids known to lower cholesterol, Chlorella can also prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Spirulina helps to eliminate candida and bring microflora balance, fighting leaky gut. It also fights HIV/AIDS, while boosting heart health, helping with blood pressure control and weight loss, increasing hemoglobin levels.

Shop Chlorella & Spirulina Tincture

Tap into the Power of Tinctures

At the end of the day, tinctures are a powerful way to deliver the healing power of herbs to your system. Shop our entire line of tinctures today and see what these incredible natural remedies can do to supercharge your wellness journey.